
November 2019

Breakfast Specials #2 – Spelt pancakes


Most people like pancakes. If you watch any American movie, pancakes take the form of something quite scary with enough kilojoules to launch a rocket. But it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, you can enjoy fresh pancakes every day and have the body of a supermodel*. Here's how As a bit of [...]

Breakfast Specials #2 – Spelt pancakes2019-11-01T11:02:52+11:00

Breakfast specials, #1-Smashed Avo


Sick of paying $16 for your smashed avo? Avocados are flooding the markets at the moment and you can grab them for less than a buck a piece. With a few other simple ingredients, you'll be well on your way to saving for that first home! Even better, you can make this in less than [...]

Breakfast specials, #1-Smashed Avo2019-11-01T10:27:51+11:00

October 2017

Xmas Lunch Ideas


I’m starting to think about what to have for for our Xmas lunch and the sort of food that works well on a Melbourne summer’s day, whilst not completely turning my back on tradition.  I’m not really one for the  heavy meats and carby stodge of a Winter Xmas, though I do love the spices, [...]

Xmas Lunch Ideas2017-11-29T11:02:39+11:00
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